Who Is Bilbo Baggins A Hero

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What defines a hero? Does being a hero require the ability to fly or possess superhuman strength? Are all heroes charming and muscular? Instead can a hero be someone that no one believes in or expects; someone like Bilbo Baggins? Bilbo Baggins is a character in J.R.R. Tolkien’s book The Hobbit. He is a hobbit, which is an extremely small creature, about half the size of a human. Living in a peaceful hobbit hole where no danger or adventure will find him, Bilbo is content. Until one day, Gandalf, the wizard, and thirteen dwarves show up at his doorstep asking if he would be their burglar. Consequently, he finds himself on a quest to retake the treasure and mountain that once belonged to Thorin’s ancestors. Reclaiming the treasure filled mountain …show more content…

With the help of the men and elves, Bilbo and the dwarves slayed the dragon and reclaimed their ancestors’ treasure. Timid Bilbo was forced to step up and become a hero when Gandalf left to attend to his other business. By claiming the position Gandalf entrusted to him, he displayed some of the greatest qualities of a hero; courage, leadership, and honor.
The definition of courage is, “mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Bilbo displayed great courage during their time in Mirkwood, the great forest. Valiantly, he fought off several giant spiders in order to protect his friends, and he persevered through the dangers of the forest. Cunningly, he confronted Smaug, the gigantic, fire breathing dragon, and tricked him into showing Bilbo his vulnerability. Gandalf’s leaving the group created a dilemma for the dwarves, they lacked a leader. Thorin would seem fit for the job, but his arrogance and greed caused doubts in the minds of the dwarves. Despite all of this, Bilbo decided to mature in leadership. By brilliantly floating the dwarves down the river in barrels, Bilbo led the dwarves from the imprisonment of the elves. When the time came, he was willing to sacrifice himself for the dwarves emulating a true leader and

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