Where Do The Mermaid Stand Movie Analysis

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How the film is more feminist than others.
Señora Independencia is a story about a female lead prospering against all odds and an evil uncle. Aida was never expected to challenge her brother Stephan for the crown but because they were twins she was given an opportunity she was able to seize her moment and show that a women could take the throne. Aida is no damsel in distress but a strong female lead. In most Disney Animated Films the lead female role are passive and inactive conceding their freedom, responsibilities, and dreams to the male. In “Disney Films 1937-1967 The Classic Years” Anita role in One Hundred and One Dalmatians is showcased. Anita is married to Roger and although they are depicted as a happy couple Anita is not ambitious, …show more content…

As stated in “Where Do The Mermaid’s Stand”, Ariel was fascinated in discovering the human world. Her fascination reached the point where she was scolded by her father to never go above water. Sadly her fascination ended when she sees Prince Eric and instantly falls in love with him. Her motive then becomes to marry him and eventually join him on land. “Her interest in the role of citizen becomes supplanted by her interest in the role of wife”. Aida doesn't allow any man change her objectives and turn her into a “woman as man wants her to be rather than woman for herself”. Aida’s objective is actually the opposite of Ariel’s because she wants to take care of her people and be the first ruler to be independent in Cape Verde history. Disney female leads have also been evil and deceptive like Katrina van Tassel in “Legend of Sleepy Hollow”. She is known as a notorious flirt and “engages in activities such as fluttering her long black eyelashes, smiling coyly, puckering her very red lips, shopping, dancing, and manipulating her suitors”(The Classic Years). She is using her body and features to attract and marry the man in power Brom Bones which isn't a positive feminine outlook. It is actually the opposite of Aida as she uses her

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