What it Takes to Have a Good Involvement in your Job

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Job involvement is the extent to which an employee recognizes his or her work, participates in it actively and regards his or her performance to be significant to self-value. A job-involved individual is the one who does not have any thoughts of quitting the work in his or her entire life. An employee’s job involvement in an industry is fully enhanced when related to job clarity, supervisory support and co-worker support. Co-worker support Co-worker support is the support that a worker acquires from his or her colleague in the working place. Co-worker support correlates to job involvement as it offers confidence to the workmate to continue working at a particular place (McCook 20). This helps in improving the productivity in the work environment. The co- worker support helps in eliminating and reducing stress that may result from the increased competition among them at the place of work, leading to high job involvement. It plays a great role in reducing the likelihood of an individual getting built up of sickness (Cheloha & Farr 65). For instance, when a worker is given support by his workmates, he or she is more likely to overcome the somatic stress and symptoms like headaches, stomach aches and muscle tension, and continue to work productively. Another form in which the co-worker support correlates to job involvement is through the encouragement from workmates. An individual tends to reduce on their tendency of absenteeism. When the workers reduce on their absenteeism, they gain more confidence to stay at the job place and, as a result, they tend get involved in their given jobs. Job clarity An employee is fully committed to his or her work, or has job involvement, when there is job clarity in his or her workplace. Job clarity... ... middle of paper ... ...Relationship between Commitment and Organizational Culture, Subculture, Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction in Organizational Change and Development." Leadership & Organization Development Journal 20.7 (2007): 365-374. Print. Mathieu, John E., and James L. Farr. "Further Evidence for the Discriminant Validity of Measures of Organizational Commitment, Job Involvement, and Job Satisfaction." Journal of Applied Psychology 76.1 (2010): 127. Print. Mesmer-Magnus, Jessica R., and Chockalingam Viswesvaran. "Convergence Between Measures of Work-to-Family and Family-to-Work Conflict: A Meta-Analytic Examination." Journal of Vocational Behavior 67.2 (2005): 215-232. Print. McCook, Keith Douglas. Organizational Perceptions and their Relationships to Job Attitudes, Effort, Performance, and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors. Diss. Louisiana State University, 2002. Print.

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