What Political Parties Platform Would Be Best For America To Achieve

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What Political Parties campaign platform would be best for America to implement? Both major political parties, Republicans and Democrats, have vastly different views on what public policy should be implemented in America. Each Party thinks that if their Parties platform is put into place, then it would be best for the USAs future. The political party’s platform that should be implemented should be the democratic platform because their party platforms views on campaign finance, the Federal minimum wage, and affirmative action. One major reason why the United States should implement the Democratic Party’s platform is because their views on camping financing make the fairest elections. The Republican platform states that all political spending is political speech protected by the first amendment. They believe that the federal government should repeal restrictions on how much citizens or organizations can give, and lift the restrictions on campaign financing in the McCain-Feingold Act. Democrats differ from that and they believe that Buckley V Valero …show more content…

Republicans believe that raising the minimum wage would be detrimental to the economy and that it would create more poverty and it would not create any jobs. Democrats differ from that because they think that raising the Federal minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour would reduce poverty and also have little to no effect on unemployment rates. Following the Democrats position on this issue would be better for America because it would have very low effects on employment and have tons of other benefits. Poverty would decrease and many premature deaths could be prevented if the Federal minimum wage was increased to 15 dollars an hour. Overall, with no negative effects on employment and many benefits, the Democrat position on raising the Federal minimum wage are best for the United States

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