What Makes Kathy Rempe A Hero

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Kathy Rempe, like any other grandma, bakes cookies and knits. However, she has done so much more. She has taught and impacted many kids, and continues to do so even after her retirement from the classroom. Kathy Rempe has changed the lives of many kids through her teaching which truly makes her a hero. Kathy’s involvement in teaching was inspired by her mom who was a 7th grade teacher at Pete Middle School in Cedar Falls. She also babysat so she already knew she liked kids. As Kathy entered into high school and then to college, she taught the Sunday School at her church. This only strengthened her desire to become a teacher. Kathy said in the interview that she just “seemed to connect with the age level of 7th grade.” All of these factors …show more content…

Teachers are very influential in general and according to “The Lasting Impact of Good Teachers,” A study showed that, second only to parents, teachers are the most important part of a child’s education. One example was a student of hers who went on to become a middle school teacher like she was. Kathy and this student really connected through reading and that’s what sparked her to become an English teacher. Two ways that Kathy noticed she impacted her students on was a love for English and a love for reading which she really tried to get across. In addition, Kathy’s impression on these kids was very positive and stayed with the kids for a long time. In “3 Reasons Why Teachers Are Basically Superheroes,” one researcher explains that “teachers can bring about the most amazing results.” Kathy has brought about amazing results in many of her students not just in the classroom, but outside of it too. An example would when she helped a kid with a reading disability work through it and find ways for that student to overcome her challenge to become a great reader. Another reason why Kathy impacted so many kids was that she was concerned with their well being in the classroom, and actively worked to help them succeed in it. This makes her a hero because “empathy and compassion for others are key variables that contribute to heroic behavior” (Cherry, “Seven …show more content…

Teachers like Kathy create boogies and rhythms and risk looking wacky to help their students memorize facts. They also use tools and supplies that they own, and they teach, and are in the classroom working on new lessons for long hours (“Global Teacher Prize”). These are all sacrifices teachers make and Kathy made as well. Kathy was always working and sacrificing her time to make her class fun and enjoyable for her students. Through the creation of 7th grade outdoor ed, Kathy ignited a fire in kids to learn by making the outdoors a classroom. This creative unit made it fun for students to learn in a different environment. In addition, Kathy said that one sacrifice that she had to do she doesn’t even consider a sacrifice and that was going to college. She went to college at UNI and was very lucky that her parents made enough money and paid her way through so all she had to do was “do her best and use her time wisely” (Rempe). She had to make many sacrifices for her students throughout her teaching career that she doesn’t even consider to be

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