What Is The Difference Between The Most Dangerous Game And High Noon

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High Noon and The Most Dangerous Game are great stories and have many differences. High noon is about a marshal who is being hunted by a guy known as Frank Miller and his crew. The Most Dangerous game is about a hunter who is insane and kills people as a game these books are very different indeed. These stories have different have different settings, characters, and plots but they also seem simular but they are different. Rainsford says “There was no breeze, The sea was flat as a glass window” (Connell 212). This was an explains the setting of TMDG there was no breeze it was still and the water is flat and there was no movement, like waves. Gillis says “Hit the bar, all of you! I’m settin’ ‘em up! ( 295). This shows the setting for the book …show more content…

This shows a little about the character Rainsford he, this is when he is being asked to hunt with him and he is not willing to do that. Kane says “I sent a man up five years ago for murder” (Foreman 294). These show how Zaroff does the hunting and the irony of how Kane is a marshal but he is the one being hunted. “ If my quarry cludes me for three whole days he wins the game” (Connell 223). This shows how this goes on for three days and for a short story it is very quick. Amy says “We’ve got an hour” Kane then says “Whats an hour” (Foreman 296)? This shows how it has every thing going on in day and in the film the keeps framing in on the clock for more suspence or drama, as for TMDG it is split i into three days so it makes the plots quite different. The stories have difference in setting, characters, and plots and they seem simular but are very different. They have difference in setting TMDG is a very ominous island, while High Noon was a small western town which gives you more visual because we watched the film as well. The characters are different as well, the main characters in piticular. Kane is a marshal which makes it ironic that he is the one being hunted and Zarroff does hunting but with a kind of sedistic twist. Lastly, the plots are different. In High Noon you were literally being walked through real time snd it made sure to show the clock every time it got a step closer to noon. Then

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