What Is Life Essay

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Western World Views 345-102-MQ Section: 00003 Afsana Habib What is Life? The philosophical question of what life is differs in meaning to every person. There are several potential answers to this perplexing question, some of which tie in with others. Life is a chain of experiences between birth and death. With every experience you undergo, it is a journey, a journey to discover who you truly are. There are many different aspects of what life should be comprised of but a few things of the main things should be survival and brief success. Generally to many, a good life is considered to be one that follows a balanced lifestyle and setting an unlimited amount of goals. It is vital that one should live their life everyday as if it were their last as well as doing and trying your best at everything that comes towards you. Life is about feeling content and satisfied when the end is near. It is about knowing that you did all of what you wanted, without having any regrets or second thoughts about it. It is truly about building your own path and thinking for yourself. Through the several experiences you go through, both good and bad, you discover yourself, who you really are and what you really like. Life can be seen as a book, if you don’t go out, travel, meet new people or enjoy its endless experiences, you have only read a page of it. This is why one should constantly be trying new things and getting over their fears. You should be inspiring others and being inspired by others. This could only be made by making meaningful connections and forming relationships with others. It is important to have someone by your side whether it is a friend, a family member or your significan... ... middle of paper ... ... of your true nature; you are a part of all that exists. One can only be at inner peace once they connect with God. Accordingly, once you choose to open up to others and appreciate everything, you are already on your path. Furthermore, one should seek and acquire virtue as it is the basic quality necessary for well-being and happiness. A life of virtue is the way a life should be lived, one without any negative vibes or thoughts. Practicing virtues will draw in what may have been missing in your life whether it is joy, success or gratitude. There is no correct answer to what life is, it is what you make out of it. If you keep a positive outlook on life and love those around you, your life will be delightful. If you keep a negative attitude on everything and are pessimistic, it will be spiteful. You are the only one, holding the power to make your life worthwhile.

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