What Is Heart Rate And Blood Pressure?

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During exercise, many changes occur in the body to adapt to the added stress. Two of these changes are heart rate and blood pressure. Heart rate is the number of times a person’s heart beats in one minute. A normal resting heart rate is between 60 and 100. Each person has a maximal heart rate that estimated equates to 220 minus their age. Therefore, as the person ages, the estimated maximal heart rate decreases. Blood pressure is the measure of force against the arterial walls from blood as it passes through. It can further be broken down into systolic and diastolic pressure. Systolic blood pressure is the pressure during left ventricle contraction and is read as the top number of blood pressure. Diastolic pressure is the pressure in the arteries while the ventricles are filling in between heart beats and is read as the bottom number. A normal blood pressure readings is a systolic number between 90-120 and a diastolic pressure between 60-80 (Kenney, Wilmore, & Costill, 2015). When a person exercises, the active tissues in the body …show more content…

This force transfers into the arteries and arterioles in other parts of the body as the blood moves away from the heart. Once the intensity drops and the stress on the heart decreases, the pressure in the arteries also reduces due to the less forceful contractions. Therefore, the hypotheses were accepted based on the averages of the data collected during the experiment. However, in order to have more accurate data, a larger sample size would be needed. In addition, using machines to measure heart rate and blood pressure could make the data more accurate than the process that was used in this experiment. Increased accuracy could also have been seen if there were more trials done when taking heart rate and blood pressure during the exercise stages and then averaging those

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