What I Learned About Your Strengths

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What have you learned about your styles? Based on the self-assessment scores recorded, I have learned numerous aspects and characteristics about myself and why I behave the way that I do in regards to my personal and professional development. Discovering my weaknesses in each assessment opens up new pathways to self-improvement and achieving common goals. In addition, the assessments provide an increase understanding of current strengths, how to understand one’s own emotions along with other individuals, and an individual’s behavior in conflict management situations that include deeper insights in personality. Being aware of weaknesses in the assessments can motivate an individual to become more willing to improve in areas which require much practice and development towards personal and professional growth. The areas which represent strong tendencies or strengths in all three assessments may assist an individual to enhance those skills and experiences in order to become a more enriched individual in one’s own personal life and/or professional career. What do your assessments say about you? …show more content…

These assessments provide a profound awareness of ourselves and how to be very effective in any type of situation. The results recorded in the Strengthsfinder 2.0 assessment reveal that I enjoy close relationships with other individuals in order to achieve a common goal. Also, I have a habit of tending to measure personal progress and compare myself amongst other performers in regards to competition in my personal life and workplace. In the Emotional Intelligence assessment, the results reveal my ability to relate to other individuals by understanding their emotions

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