What Hamlet's Soliloquies Reveal About Him

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A soliloquy is a literary device that writers employ to allow readers to see into the mind of a single character. In a live performance, it would seem as if character is madly talking to himself. In reality, these monologues are the character’s swirling thoughts vocalized, giving the audience a dramatized insight into the character’s deepest emotions and opinions. It is through these soliloquies that Hamlet’s truest colors are revealed and readers see glimpses of what kind of person Hamlet is. Readers are first given insight to Hamlet’s most inward thoughts in Act I, Scene 2. At this point in the play, Hamlet’s mother and uncle, Queen Gertrude and Claudius, have just announced their marriage. For the past few months, Hamlet has been grieving incessantly at the abrupt loss of his beloved father and king. In the eyes of the Queen and new King, Hamlet has mourned sufficiently and their marriage is in attempt to end the depressing state of the kingdom. Hamlet’s uncle, now step-father, even goes as far as saying Hamlet is acting like a stubborn girl for his prolonged misery, urging him to cease his weeping. Once his mother and uncle leave the stage, Hamlet mulls over the current situation. He starts off by stating that he longs to simply cease to exist, that his flesh would disintegrate back into the earth. He knows that the Lord condemns suicide, but wishes it was allowed for his sake. These first two lines point to Hamlet’s suicidal tendencies and his lack of self-esteem and self-worth. Not only does he have a low opinion of his own life, but he compares the world in his day to an “unweeded garden” that has produced and fostered a vile and corrupt humanity. At this point, existence to him seems lifeless and insignificant, cla... ... middle of paper ... .... The key characteristics revealed throughout this speech are those of devotion and responsibility. Hamlet’s dedication to his father is so strong that he says he will completely wipe his mind of “all trivial fond records, all saws of books, all forms, all pressures past that youth and observation copied there,” clearing everything he has ever heard, read, seen, or experienced throughout his entire life so that he could devote his mind solely to keeping his father’s commands. Fueled with a newfound sense of responsibility, he vows to keep his promise to revenge his father’s death, making his “smiling, damned villain” of an uncle pay for his crime. Later in the play, Hamlet’s piety and loyalty to his father is further emphasized when he points out that he did not want this duty to avenge his father’s death, but knows that if he does not take on this task, no one will.

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