What Does The Valley Of Ashes Symbolize In The Great Gatsby

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Great Gatsby Symbolism The “American Dream” is the idea that suggests anyone in the United States can achieve anything through hard work and anyone has the potential to live a happy and successful life. The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald this novel written in the 1920s had many ideas and symbolism that can relate to the modern day. Fitzgerald brought up ideas that are very controversial. The Great Gatsby shows the idea of the “American Dream” as something that is falsely stated that the people in the hard working class will never be successful while people who don’t work hard at all have all the power and money. Throughout the valley of ashes, Fitzgerald portrays the hollowness of the American Dream. The valley of ashes is located …show more content…

The valley of ashes is filled with the working class people that are diligent and trying their hardest to get out of this “class”. Fitzgerald reveals the hollowness of the American Dream by showing these men that are getting dirty while trying to better themselves are stuck in the working class. Nick also says “Occasionally a line of gray cars crawl along an invisible track, gives out a ghastly creak and comes to rest, and immediately the ash-grey men swarm up with leaden spades and stir up an impenetrable cloud, which screens their obscure operations from your sight.” (Gatsby 23). In this quotation Fitzgerald is showing the truth behind the working class. The dreary line of grey cars and the ash-grey men that emerge from these factories. From Nick's perspective and everyone else in the higher classes never understand the troubles that these men go through. Fitzgerald showed this by writing “screens their obscure operations from your sight” the obscure operations is the factory work. The higher class never had to go through the work to get what they have, they were born with it. Fitzgerald made an excellent point about the American Dream that even if you are working as hard as you can your stuck in the lower classes and those who never had to work a day in their life are getting all of the

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