What Does Strength Mean?

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Strength is a term with many definitions. What does strength mean? Anyone can sit down and start to write down their strengths but, how many different types of strengths are there? There are personal strengths, mental strengths, and spiritual strengths that all have a positive effect on people’s lives. Throughout life, strength is what helps overcome the problems we face. Strength is defined by Dictionary.com as “a good or beneficial quality or attribute of a person or thing.” No matter what kind of strength different people in society have; strength is something gained through personal experiences and life. Strength is having the mind set to overcome all of life’s challenges and battles. Strength is belief. People gain strength through taught spirituality and beliefs. This could be by believing in a religion or believing in a God. Religious people have a sense of spirituality strength with God, and those people believe that God will be there to guide them and to help them on their way through the tough times. Spirituality grows over time by love, faith, and hope that are felt during a personal experience. Love is one of the many ways that grow society spiritually. When a person believes positive and good; when they always do the right thing no matter what they think the outcome may be; when they give their all to help the wellbeing of others; that is when there is a great sense of spiritual strength in humanity. When people are successful in knowing what will help them grow, that’s when spirituality shines. Giving love and friendship to others makes humans grow spiritually. Love gives the strength to believe the good in others and to not be afraid to fight battles alone. Friendship provides the strength to trust others and be o... ... middle of paper ... ...deaf since he was three years old. In the 2012 NFL draft Derrick was not picked. Despite that everyone told him he could never do it, he never gave up. Now he just won the 2014 NFL Super Bowl with the Seahawks. He had the true strength to overcome his weaknesses and show what his personal strengths were to the world. Strength is not about being a tough guy and being able to bench two hundred pounds. It is okay to be strong and still be scared. People can cry and still be strong. To be strong is not just about having a hard exterior. Strength is being able to overcome the problems life will throws at humanity, and society needs true personal, mental, and spiritual strength to overcome it. Strength comes in many forms but, all kinds of strengths are good. Strength is having the capability to overcome any challenge that is faced in life. Strength is to never give up.

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