What Does Running Mean To Me

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Good Morning!
Oprah Winfrey once said: “Running is the greatest metaphor for life because you get out of it what you put into it.”
Most of us have grown up enjoying running around during recess, playing tag, and being first in line, but for some reason, as teenagers and young adults, we have grown to hate it.
To me, running is a hobby. To me, running allows me to take my mind off the difficult things in life. To me (anaphora), running makes me work hard . I run because it is good for me, but being good to me is running (chiasmus). Not many people can say this because not many people like doing it because it is intense, it hurts, and it’s tiring. But, running can be enjoyed by many others who like to be outdoors, listen to music, and challenge themselves.
Not only do I run because I …show more content…

Up until the end of eighth grade, I hated running. Just the thought of it was beyond me. It wasn’t until my cousin, Zoe, told me to go out for the cross country team that I considered giving it another shot. Zoe had told me that there were a great group of people on the team and that I would have a lot of fun. Fun? Well, turns out she wasn’t wrong. The practices were after school, so we had a chance to free our minds in between classes and homework. Because of this break, I was able to do a better job concentrating on my homework, and, most importantly, I felt healthy and good about myself.
I’m sure many of you guys have heard incredible stories of heavy people losing weight because of running. One man, in particular, Ben Davis, has put together a Youtube video of his transformation in one year. Ben went from an unhappy man with no quality of life to a happy man with a good quality of life (antithesis). Ben went from not being able to run a mile to finishing a marathon. Ben is now a happier and healthier person because of a little inspiration that got him to go for a

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