What Does It Mean To Say That Social Media Isolates

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Social media has become a huge part of our daily lives and has helped our society grow in many ways. Social media does not isolate rather it is a platform where people express their feelings and ideas, connect with family and friends around the world, and it helps us receive news faster. Some may say social media isolates but if you manage your time and use it in moderation it is a good tool. Some may say it can be addicting and can make you become antisocial. If you manage your time and only use social media a few times throughout the day instead of using it all the time it is a very beneficial tool. Social media is a platform where people can express themselves and their feelings. "All we have to do …show more content…

"You can express yourself, showing off your favorite song lyrics or posting pictures of your new outfit. It is a lot harder to feel embarrassment over the internet than in person, so people find it easier to vent their feelings on sites like Facebook."(The Positives). It's easier to express yourself on social media so people look at it as a safe place. Social media also lets you connect with family and friends. "Social networks give an intimate look at your teenager's life. It lets parents know what their kids are going through, what their friends think is cool or fun, and helps them feel more connected to their child. It gives a nice little window into what is going on." (Families who Connect). It helps parents connect with their children and see their interests. "Roughly two-thirds (67%) of social media users say that staying in touch with current friends and family members is a major reason they use these social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace or LinkedIn." (Heimlich). People find social media useful because of the benefit of staying in touch with loved ones. Social media also helps receive news and stories faster and communicate

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