What Does It Mean To Kill A Person And Murder The Same Thing

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Is killing a person and murder the same thing? No because killing and murder are not the same thing. Killing means to kill a person, animal or other living things. It could end its life in a positive or negative ways or reasons, like kill an animal who is suffering a lot and could not help the pain it goes through. It can also mean that killing can be an accident, doesn’t consider a murder unless the person who was driving cause the other person death or injury. Killing can help defense yourself from bad environments that are surrounded and no matter what the situation is, it’s always a good thing to defend yourself or for others. It’s not murder if that person is trying to save theme self or others that are around. Killing a person, they will be charge with manslaughter. …show more content…

In the United States, manslaughter is a crime that involves causing the death of another person in a less culpable than murder. Other regional like Canadian and English laws are different form the United States. On the other hand, murder is when someone have a motive and planning the outcome ahead so they know the ideas what to do to their victims. Murder is a horrible way to die, even when taking another human life’s in a more brutal, harsh ways he/she could ever think of. To get a first- degree murder it depends on the jurisdiction and murder can act on strangulations, poisoning or lying in wait. Not only that, if they get a first-degree murder they could be charge with a death penalty or a life sentence depending how bad the outcome the killer did to the victims. Second- degree murder is where the killer did not plan the outcome. But still be charged with 10 years or more than 25

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