What Are The Strengths Of A Healthcare Professional

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Strengths as a Healthcare Professional The medical field is a growing industry of innovation and exploration. As humanity progresses into the 21st century, leadership within each organization will be the key to success. Even though novel diagnostic equipment and research is created outside the business, management has the task of integrating new resources into practice and nurturing improvement in every aspect of care. The decision makers of a medical company require skills in building relationships and report with dozens of representatives from medical support services in the country, potentially around the world. Moreover, administrators must effectively use risk management daily while training and motivating the workforce. In the following paragraphs, I will detail the leadership qualities I will exude as a healthcare professional.
Critical Thinking Decisions and problems in the healthcare environment are rarely simple. Even if the answer is obvious, the path of implementation requires critical thought and analytical review of the parts involved. As a professional in the healthcare environment, I will use critical thinking constantly to evaluate every decision affecting my organization. For example, the hospital has been criticized for long wait times and the administration is determining solutions to the root cause. Thinking logically …show more content…

Aureus Medical Group (2013) states “one of the most important is proper etiquette; mastering this skill will endear you to your patients, foster confidence in your co-workers and impress your superiors” (para. 1). Personally, I regard four character qualities as the bare minimum in life and the relationships I develop. These qualities are respect, integrity, courtesy, and humility. The three most important characteristics to employ in my healthcare career are respect, integrity, and

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