Weight Training Argumentative Essay

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We are going to give weight training a point in the fat loss wars due to the calorie burn after the workout is completed. Find out more right here as the battle for fat loss success heats up between cardio and weight training.
If you were to propose the following situation to the average gym-goer, it would probably play down something like this.

"When you want to do lose fat you do what?"

"And, when you want to build muscle, what happens then?"

They would respond that when they want to lose fat, they start doing more cardio. When they want to build muscle, well naturally, they weight train. Seems to make sense. Cardio burns off calories; weight training makes you gain weight.

Could Weight Training Strictly Be Used For Fat Loss. You Bet. …show more content…

As you can see, what most women fear is actually what they should be doing. So, make sure you're not making that mistake.

Another difference between weight training and cardio training is the type of hormonal environment they promote. Weight training tends to put the body in an anabolic state and encourages muscle mass gain (if eating a higher calorie diet, which won't be the case when you're aiming for fat loss) or muscle maintenance (which is applicable here).

Cardio training, on the other hand, promotes higher levels of cortisol release, and this is the primary hormone that does encourage lean muscle mass loss, as well as fat accumulation around the abdominal region.

Because of this difference in hormone levels, that's another big reason why you should tend to sway yourself more towards weight training as a means to lose body fat compared with cardio.

One issue you're more than likely thinking about is the different calorie burns during the actual workout - that's got to count for something,

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