Ways That My Supervisor's Style

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Ways That My Supervisor’s Style is matched with mine First off, Ms. Sherry is funny, nice, and understanding. She supervises the social workers in her department with the utmost respect. She guides and leads, providing a helping hand when one is needed. I feel that this approach is great. It allows the social workers to work without anyone looking over their shoulders. However, do they have someone there to answer their questions and help them when difficult situations occur. Ms. Sherry’s style does match mine. As we go over policy we somewhat agree that some of the agency’s policies need to change. I love the fact that she knows what she is talking about. She is very informed and I liked the fact that she can actually answer questions that …show more content…

I need for her to allow me to get a feel of the job and ask as many questions that I would like to ask. I know that this will not be the case at all places. One thing I like about social work is that it is unlikely for a person to do the same thing every day. I also need for my supervisor to have my back if a situation happens. I am not saying have my back if I am wrong and to just go along with whatever, but at times social workers are the first to get blamed. Not everyone view situations like social workers and I have learned that lesson. I just would like to know that if something happens and when the dust settles I will have someone in my corner. Are You Comfortable Discussing Your Concerns About The Placement with Your Supervisor? Why or Why Not? I am very comfortable discussing my concerns with my supervisor. I feel that Ms. Sherry respects me and welcomes any inputs I might have about an issue. I like the fact that I have a voice and can be heard. I have worked in different departments and did not feel like I have a voice but the Social Service department I work in is very different and somewhat refreshing. Has Your Supervisor Given You Verbal Feedback About Your

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