Waterbuck Research Paper

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The Animal’s Name
The waterbucks name gives it the impression that it is an animal that dwells in water, but that is infact not true. The waterbuck is a type of antelope or deer that resides near water at all times; this is what gives this animal its unique name. A group of waterbucks are identified as a herd or cluster. The males and females do not have a specific name that is used to refer to its gender, but the babies are commonly called calves. The scientific name given to the waterbuck is Kobus ellipsiprymnus.
Anatomy and Appearance
The waterbuck is a large animal that resembles the appearance of an antelope or deer. Waterbucks have rounded ears with black tips and white fur inside. If they are male, between their ears, the waterbucks …show more content…

They have two eyes, and above them are white patches of fur that are like eyebrows that come down past the corners of their eyes. Their snouts are average in size and their mouths and nose are surrounded with white fur. Inside their mouths they have grazing teeth which consist primarily of molars. From their heads, they have long thick necks that lead to their long bodies which measure as long as 6-7 feet.(source 1) For having such a long body the waterbuck is short in its height, and their shoulders only reach 3.5-4.5 feet. (source 1) They are 4-legged and have hooves that are divided into two sections, and they are slightly longer than most antelopes hooves because they help the waterbuck keep balance it the wet and marshy areas. The waterbuck has reddish- brown long shaggy fur which is unusual, considering it lives in a warm climate, …show more content…

Mating occurs when a waterbuck from a female group wanders into male herd territories. The males will then try to get the females to submit to them, and if not they will force them to mate. If they are impregnated, female waterbucks will go through a nine month gestation phase before giving birth to one calf. The baby calf is kept hidden for three weeks while nursing, and they will continue to nurse for 6-8 months. After weaning, male waterbucks form bachelor herds, and females stay with their mothers groups. The young calves become sexually mature at 12-14 months for females and 14-18 months for males. Waterbucks have been known to live as long as 18 years in captivity.
Waterbucks are very adaptable to change, for example, the waterbuck is diurnal, but if human activity increases during the day they will become nocturnal to avoid coming into contact with humans. Waterbucks are very quiet and sedentary animals; they avoid moving great distances and try to stay in the same territory for as long as possible.
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