Hedgehog Research Paper

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The species specific behaviours of a European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) and a common pipistrelle bat (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) Hedgehogs are insectivores this means that most of their diet is made up of insects, also they are a bulk feeder which means they eat the whole of the insect. Hedgehog feeding behaviours are usually small and fast movements to catch insects while foraging. However, they have also developed interesting strategies to get around some tricky defences, for example slugs have a slimy coat that makes them hard to eat so the hedgehog rolls the slug round on the floor to get rid of this layer. Hedgehogs are nocturnal though they can occasionally be seen foraging during the day if they need to build up a fat reserve …show more content…

After breeding the pair splits apart and the female has a gestation period of around 35 days then she will give birth to an average of 4 or 5 young which are altricial, this means they are completely reliant on their mother at birth. The babies, hoglets, are around 7cm when born and are pink, hairless, and their eyes are tightly closed. Small white temporary spines begin to push out the skin an hour after birth, these are temporary and they will lose them after their pigmented second generation spines fully come through around 1 month after birth and their permanent third generation spines start to grow through, fully developing at 6 weeks. They are weaned at 6-8 weeks old and are fully independent, therefore leave the mother and siblings to live in solitary till their first breeding at between 7 months and a year old when they are sexually …show more content…

Studies show that hedgehogs prefer moss fields to pasture land this may be because there are more prey animals in the moss fields. Hedgehogs have a relatively large home range that will vary between habitat types but males will typically have a larger home range than females. Home ranges can overlap but hedgehogs will rarely fight and just mutually avoid each other. Hedgehogs eat a wide range of invertebrates including worms, snails, slugs, and insects, but hedgehogs also eat carrion and scraps and even sometimes can eat baby mice, baby birds and eggs. The food they eat is what they forage from the undergrowth and in the fields. Hedgehogs will drink water from small bodies of water such as puddles or small streams and drink a lot for their body

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