Voodoo Misunderstood Religion Essay

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Voodoo the Misunderstood Religion
Voodoo has been a misunderstood religion for as long as it has been around. The reputation of the Voodoo religion is that is a satanic religion, involves animal sacrifices, and utilizes black magic in order to benefit from the religion. Many Hollywood movies have portrayed Voodoo in this fashion. There have been songs written about Voodoo and black magic. All throughout history Voodoo has had a bad reputation. The Voodoo religion has been misinterpreted by its believers therefore the reputation has been tainted. According the article The Origins of Voodoo, the Misunderstood Religion, "images are the result of the misrepresentation of Voodoo by popular culture, and do not accurately represent Voodoo"(http://www.ancient-origins.net). …show more content…

Voudon is the religion that was practiced that involved several cultural elements to make up the religion. There are personal creeds and practices that make up the Voudon religion. Along with these creeds and practices, Voudon also involves folk medicine that is used to aide in the healing of the believers. The believers of the Voudon religion use songs, folklore, proverbs, and stories to pass down the beliefs of their religion to their future generations of believers. The Voudon religions origins are not exactly known but it is believed to have originated from West Africa. According to the article Voodoo a Legitimate Religion, Anthropologist Says "Voodoo beliefs spread from Africa's shores to America on slave ships"( http://news.nationalgeographic.com). As the Voudon religion grew and cross the seas it began to change. This change occurred because of different beliefs from the different people from different parts of the world. "Voodoo is a fusion of religious practices from Africa that often takes on different characteristics and emphases when practiced in various locations"(http://www.religionfacts.com). There many influences to include other religions like Christianity and Catholism that had some influence on the Voudon

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