Visual Analysis Essay On Discovery

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My art piece “Discovery” conveys my inner being and my ambitions by the presence of color. This piece is a self-portrait in order to create a more direct approach of visually portraying my curiosity and I. Although on the outside I appear mundane, on the inside I am a very curious person and ambitious to experiment with art mediums, techniques, and colors. I intentionally used complementary colors to convey the contrasting thoughts that I have while showcasing my love for color. These colors visually portray my conscience of what I should and should not do, whether it involves school, art, or social matters. On the outside I am perceived as an introvert and an outsider, which is why I have myself in an expressionless state, contradictory of how I feel on the inside. Unlike the background, most of my portrait is exposed to the wood board which reflects a mundane presentation of myself. This specifically expresses the personality that everyone sees and knows, but does not understand. The part of the portrait that is painted presents my internal …show more content…

To me colors portray numerous aspects of this world that can visually present topics and feelings that are hard to interpret into words. I feel are best represented in color a language well known all over the world, in cultures and civilizations. Whenever I need to express something I struggle to find the right words for others to truly comprehend how I feel, but art is a language that I can speak. A language, in fact, I am able to use in any way in my life especially in art. If I see the color blue mixed with a twinge of purple my interpretation of those colors is that the person feels sad, lonely, and a bit excited about something. Now if the color is a red violet and maroon then I interpret the person as being very angry and irritated. Through art I am able to better comprehend my surroundings and portray my

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