Violence And Video Games Case Study

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The desire of the participants to please adults or behave for them based on rewards is another concern with Bandura et al. (1961) findings. According to Ferguson (2010) children’s innate desire to please their elders may have been a major influence in determining the participant’s aggression towards the Bobo Doll. Given the children were aware of the adult’s expectation to punch or push the Bobo Doll back, the motivation for the children to comply with this expectation was a strong influence in deciding the outcome of their behaviour and hence their aggressive conduct. Ferguson also argues that aggression is distinctly different to violence. He explains the intention of the Bobo Doll to bounce back gave the test subjects the impression that …show more content…

He states that violence is intended to cause substantial physical harm whereas aggressive behaviour can be enjoyed by two consenting people such as wrestling or play fighting (Ferguson, 2010). This view is subsequently reinforced by….. Although violent behaviours are fundamentally aggressive, they do not necessarily lead to violence. Ferguson’s view that widespread research on violence and video games shows findings are not as consistent as first claimed. He asserts that whilst it is evident violent video games may lead to aggression, biased samples and measures from studies conflate the contemporary issues. He further declares that a number of flaws with studies are not as comprehensive from a statistical view and need further investigation. One of Ferguson’s main concerns with violent video games and aggression is that studies investigate little significance into variables like family violence, genetics and gender. These contemporary issues are significant to consider when attempting to find a connection between children and violence. Consequently, Bandura et al. (1961) basic view exposure to violence leads to imitating behaviour and hence children acting aggressively, is another pitfall of the study. It is evident that many factors influence aggression in children and it is imperative to consider all viewpoints when attempting to understand aggression in …show more content…

The AAP suggest aggressive conduct, depression, sleep disturbances, fear, and desensitisation to violence are evident when children are exposed to violence through the media or video games. In agreeance with Bandura et al. findings, The AAP explain children are strongly influenced by the media through modelling and observing behaviours and aggressive behaviours are learned and imitated. Moreover, they argue children under the age of eight years old can not discriminate between fantasy and reality, which leaves them open to being extremely susceptible of adopting attitudes and behaviours portrayed in the media. Adding weight to their argument, The AAP discuss experimental studies that show after playing video games, children display significant decreases in social and helping conduct and an increase in aggressive and violent stimulation and retribution. As a result, The AAP strongly advocate that only child positive games and media content should be available rather than censorship. These findings are in line with Bandura et al. findings in that exposure to aggressive behaviour is imitated by children through social

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