Victorian Era Essay

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During Queen Victoria's reign in England, ideals and the very thought of going against the “current” was born and passed along, embellishing into our mainstream personal views on practically everything. Throughout her reign of 64 years, till her death in 1901, England saw changes that changed their own way of doing things, their own way of thinking and refining their views to the point where it represented their work and no one could disagree with them. It was during her successful reign in England that incomprehensible things took place that changed history within such fields and specialties as art, literature, music, philosophy, sciences, and modern inventions. It is because of this time period, known as the Victorian Era, we have many of the modern conveniences, ideas, philosophies, and knowledge that we enjoy, and take for granted, on a daily basis. This period bridged the gap from the dark and medieval ages to our present and productive day. Authors, playwrights, and philosophers documented the changes that society underwent during the Victorian era. Oscar Wilde’s The importance of being earnest and even Charles Dicken’s works have included these such changes in society. This would not have come about without the influence of the ideas and works of several people from Britain, living under Monnin 2 Queen Victoria's reign. Britain civilians felt free to express their own thoughts and even put it into art or their own philosophy and that was O.K. The start of actual “ideals” would have seemed irrelevant now in the modern era if it had not been brought up during the Victorian Era under the ruling of the late Queen Victoria. Queen Victoria’s legacy began as normal as any other legacy would have started. She was born in 181... ... middle of paper ... ...sets and fashion forward day-to-day routines, our complex world now would be a simple, plain world. Each of the points covered above briefly tell the story of the Victorian period. The innovations, the failures that lead to later on success, and even favorable fashion choices have done everything to changing modern ideals and values. The influence is strongly felt in our everyday lives. Whether it is through fashion, religion, education, or philosophy, the Victorian period proved to be the dominant influence. It bridged the gap between the slow moving and progressing past and the fast paced future world that we live in today. More was discovered in that short period of time then in the whole history of the world. That is a very impressive thing for such a diminutive period of time, yet its influence is great and will continually be felt for generations to come.

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