Victor Jara Research Paper

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The journey of Victor Jara is a prime example of an intelligent and a compassionate singer who spoke and sang strongly through his music. As a result, the songs of Victor Jara are an affirmation to his ability and positive vision of life. He had an admiration for the hard working people of small towns and villages as he himself knew the struggles. His songs aim to celebrate the lives of these individuals. In his wife’s biography, Victor: An Unfinished Song, Jara said that he hoped "to find a different and more profound love which perhaps would compensate for the lack of human love" in his life since he hardly saw his mother in his early years of life.
Due to his great love for his country, many of his songs condemn the injustices in society as well as the political scandals (Chasteen, 277). Victor Jara is a key part of the great Latin American musical movement known as "Nueva Cancion" or New Song. The Nueva Cancion movement is composed of many revolutionary activities in Latin America, and all of the artists of Nueva Cancion shared the same thoughts. Victor Jara's political ideas where an essential part of his songs. He trusted in the communist philosophy, like many of the Latin American singers, for it's assurance to improve the lives of poverty-stricken people. …show more content…

Allende was a part of the Popular Unity party and Victor Jara, with other Chileans singers, gave concerts in favor of Allende and his political aspirations. Allende was seen as a progressive candidate who had a great love for the people of the small towns of Chile, like Jara. The Popular Unity party had good intentions to increase education, and to supply housing and free medical care. One of the concerts represented of this campaign was for Allende and was the concert given in the Stadium of Chile, where many political artists sang in favor of

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