Victor And Prometheus Comparison

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Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and the Greek myth Prometheus mirror each other almost perfectly in many ways. Through significant events, they line up and connect. Both of the pieces main characters Victor and Prometheus undergo a transformation throughout their lives and face a variety of similar fates that lead to their demise. As power shifts throughout both pieces, the main focus is around both Victor Frankenstein and the Titan Prometheus and how both their transformations from various events both relate to each other. It is almost a cycle that starts at their very innocence, that will lead all the way up to their god like role where they both become afraid of losing their power and become punished in the process. But how do these two pieces …show more content…

This is where it would all begin. After the war ended, Prometheus was tasked as the role creator to create the human race. With the help of Athena breathing life into the clay figures constructed by the hands of Prometheus and Epimetheus giving the mortals specific qualities, Prometheus's creation was complete. When wanting to construct the mortals to be more superior than the gods themselves, Prometheus played Zeus and tricked him which would cause his many punishments to start. Zeus would remove fire from the mortals and leave them without light or warmth. Prometheus grew displeasure and quickly returned fire back to the mortals outraging Zeus which backlashed on Prometheus physically and mentally. He had to be chained to a giant rock and have is liver devoured by an enormous eagle everyday, his liver would also regenerate for endless torture. He would also watch his creations suffer through Zeus, from Pandora opening a box containing diseases and evil and much, much more. He failed the responsibility of keeping his beings well flourished. Prometheus as not only punished himself, but his being composed of clay as well. Prometheus had great affection for the mortals, the myth reveals it by stating this, "Prometheus loved man more than the Olympians, who had banished most of his family to Tartarus" (Hunt, line 8). Prometheus would go from a devoted follower of Zeus, to a risk taker that would cross Zeus's boundaries, leading him to utter pain and misery as a punishment in the

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