Analysis Of Prometheus

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It is in our human nature to generate new ideas, explore new possibilities and even push the boundaries of science in an attempt to make new discoveries. Prometheus, the creator of humanity is most well known for stealing fire from Zeus in order to help humans develop into a more intellectually advanced society. Prometheus loved humans so much that he was willing to suffer eternally so that they could have a better life on Earth. This shows that Prometheus was morally just in his decision to disobey Zeus because he only wanted to help the human race in their evolution into a more stable and advanced society. In my opinion, the main theme in the Prometheus myth is that scientific progress and discovery are good as long as the intentions behind …show more content…

Hesiod, a Greek Poet, describes Prometheus as a trickster because he outwitted Zeus by offering him a false sacrifice that included a choice between bones and meat. This angered Zeus so much that he decided he would not give the power of fire to the “Melian race of mortal men who live on the earth” (Hesiod, Card 545). According to Hesiod, Prometheus was able to outwit Zeus by stealing fire from Mount Olympus in a “hollow fennel stalk.” Hesiod’s telling of the myth doesn’t explain why Prometheus stole the fire but after analyzing later retellings it is evident that he did so to help the human race in their development as a civilization. Zeus made sure that both Prometheus and mankind would suffer for Prometheus’ decision to go against Zeus. For example, Zeus said, “You stole the fire and tricked me, happily, you, plague on all mankind and on yourself. They’ll pay for fire: I’ll give another gift to men, an evil thing for their delight” (Hesiod, Card 545). The “gift” that Zeus is referring to is Pandora, the first woman on Earth. Pandora unknowingly released famine, disease, and plague into the world when her curiosity got the better of her and she opened the box that Zeus gave her. Zeus also made sure to punish Prometheus directly by bounding him to a rock “with inextricable bonds and cruel chains” where an eagle would eat his immortal liver every day creating an eternal and …show more content…

The historical context and cultural background give clarity regarding Mary Shelley’s decision to write the novel of Frankenstein. In Anthony Badalamenti’s academic article, he points out that there is undeniable evidence to suggest that Shelley’s husband Percy, directly shaped the creation of one of Shelley’s main characters, Victor Frankenstein. Badalamenti, explains that “Victor experiments with science to discover the principle of life” which correlates with how Percy was “fascinated by the secrets of deaths and tombs” (Badalamenti). At the early age of 10, Percy had started to experiment with electrochemistry by drawing from the workings of Luigi Galvani, who was a renowned scientist in England for his experiments in 1802-1803 in which he tried to create life with electricity. Mary Shelley was aware of Galvani’s experiments and Percy’s obsession with creating life from inanimate objects because there were frequent scientists like Galvani visiting her home. Percy’s desire to test the boundaries of science and his fascination with life and death exemplify an incredible parallel to Prometheus. Much like Mary Shelley, Percy was also very intrigued by the myth of Prometheus and the themes that it presented. In 1820 Percy published a four act lyrical drama entitled Prometheus Unbound, which provides a first person narrative of Prometheus

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