Verbal Abuse: Effective Communication In Health And Social Care

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A behaviour that is challenging can be defined as a type of behaviour which can cause danger or put them or those around them at risk. The challenging behaviour I have chosen is Verbal abuse, it is the frequent use of abusive language towards another person with the intention to humiliate and gain control over the individual. Verbal abuse can be overt and there are many forms that are acknowledged as overt verbal abuse, these include; racist comments, threats, demanding, name calling, cursing and shouting. It can also be covert which is subtle and done in a way the person is not aware that they are being verbally abused and it’s aimed to control an individual without them realising by subtle comments , blaming and can be confusing to the individual …show more content…

Effective communication is vital in the health and social care setting, it is not only important with colleagues but also the service users need good communication so they can understand each other clearly and receive the best possible care they need. However, without good communication with one another can lead to serious issues and misunderstanding. Effective verbal communication allows individuals to connect with other people, including physical, written, electronic, nonverbal and verbal. Effective verbal communication is one of the most effective as it allows professionals to clearly pass on their thoughts and ideas to the service user without intimidating the service users. Effective verbal communication becomes more effective when the sender has the ability to speak in an interesting manner depending on the professional’s tone of voice, volume and speed. For example, the professionals within Northfields School would be working with children who have learning difficulties. They should be able to use effective verbal communication in order to minimise the effects of verbal abuse. The children who have learning difficulties such as ADHD and dyslexia within the school may display challenging behaviour such as verbal abuse towards the teachers and the professionals must be able to deal with the situation by using effective verbal …show more content…

Partnership working use the holistic approach to ensure that each individual has an effective and receives high standards services which is suitable and effective for professionals working within Northfields School when dealing with children who have learning difficulties and may display verbal abuse towards the teachers. Partnership working includes the information of service users being shared within the teams with the service users consent and then the professionals all decide what decision is best and most effective for the individual and how to go about when dealing with the challenging behaviour. They work together to find out what's best for each individual and how it may affect their physical, intellectual, emotional and social needs. There can be a wide range of teams working together, this can include; social worker/school, school/cognitive behavioural therapist. For example, partnership working plays a big role when dealing with challenging behaviour such as verbal abuse with those children who have learning difficulties within Northfields School. This is due to good communication between different agencies and professionals which reduces the effects of professionals within the environment of being verbally abused. For example,

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