Venezuelan Independence

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Reasons for Venezuela seceded from Gran Colombia

Different customs and interests among populations, and the economic crisis that sparked the war, coupled with the lack of roads and means of communication, organization and good government prevented such extensive territory, Venezuelan people never felt Colombians.

There were economic and political sectors in each country who were never interested in the integration process.

England and the United States promoted secession, Venezuelans wanted more autonomy in their territory.

Grad Colombia

The modern nations of Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador are grouped together, from 1740, as the Spanish Viceroyalty of New Granada with its capital at Bogotá which it was located in Colombia. Was a territorial entity, member of the Spanish Empire, established by the Spanish Crown, during the American rule, this short-lived republic encompassed the territories of present-day Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama and also claimed the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica, the Mosquito Coast, and small parts of what today are Peru and Brazil. The ...

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