Utopia Dystopia

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Imagine a nation full of safety, happiness, and prosperity around every corner, a type of utopia. Picture the typical neighborhood cookout; with friends and family celebrating and sharing a special occasion or holiday together. It starts with a family walking into a backyard, they see luscious green grass and trees, groups of friends and kids running around having fun. Then instantly the aroma of cooked hamburgers and hotdogs mixed together flood their nostrils and mouths. This is paired with the sound of laughter, conversations, yelling kids, and the wind rustling through the trees. The feeling and flavor a juicy burgers, hotdogs, fruit, and vegetables. These all come together to make a joyful afternoon event that should be happening all …show more content…

A country of united states with fear, pain, and hatred of others, instead everyone smiling, being generous, helping others, and bringing joy into each other’s lives. A utopia is a place in which every neighborhood it is safe enough to leave doors unlocked, kids do not have to fear strangers, parents can allow their children to go to the park on their own, and being able to entrust others without worry and fear of being betrayed and hurt. The happiness, in which all students get a quality education and are focusing on learning, and that politicians are working and fighting for what the people want such as lower taxes and better schools. A time during which the people can see a better future; one full of positive change, where more people want to make the world a better place, and everyone has the ability to make a more joyful future for themselves and …show more content…

The size of the police force will be doubled and supplied with cameras around every corner, better guns, training, and technology making it much harder to get away with committing a crime. And some poor and homeless people commit petty crimes because in jail they get a bed to sleep in, three square meals a day, and shelter. In the worse jails and prisons criminals be fed just enough to stay alive and the cells will be much more cramped with uncomfortable beds and it would become much harder for crimes to be committed against other inmates with more guards watching and immediate death was the consequence if caught in the act. Also criminals would be the subjects to experiments of drugs instead of monkeys and mice. Criminals were also used as manual labor and jobs that citizens did not want to do. The upgrades and changes of the jails and prisons would cost a lot of money but would pay off because less money would be spent on the daily care of criminals and there would most likely be less criminals and convicts in jails and prisons because people would not want to endure the harsh conditions. Anyone that commits a major felony such as murder, rape, kidnapping, treason, arson, etc. would be sent to a remote island with harsh conditions and no access to the water, the

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