Utopia As A Dystopian Society

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Human sacrifice killings is a horrific but devastatingly true reality for some that come too close to the jaws of the Matamoros cult. People usually think of a utopia as an amusement park or just an amazing dream. The dictionary version is often defined as “any visionary system of political or social perfection” (“Utopia”). A dystopia is quite the opposite though. Think of your worst nightmare and that is exactly what a dystopia is. The professional definition is “a society characterized by human misery, as squalor, oppression, disease, and overcrowding” (“Dystopia”). As it goes in 1984, the whole book is based on a dystopian society. Citizens have horrible lives which leave them dehumanized by the central government. They are also being under …show more content…

The cult sacrifices innocent people for their own self-amusement to appease Satin. Both Oceania and Matamoros attempts to create a perfect society so they can carry out their immoral plans. The totalitarian leaders try to convince the followers/citizens what they want but actually they are victims of constant surveillance, and freedoms restricted. The citizens are brainwashed into thinking that everything the government does is for the better of the citizens and society as a whole. Big Brother said that the chocolate rations went up even though they didn’t change. Also, they said that they wanted to make the English language shorter to help save time and make it easier to speak. The real reason is to make the citizens less educated so they cannot figure out what the party is really up to. For example, while Syme is talking to Winston he says, “’you think, I dare say, that our chief job is inventing new words. But not a bit of it! We’re destroying words-scores of them, hundreds of them, every day. We’re cutting the language down to the bone’” (Orwell 51). The job that Winston’s companion, Syme was given a job to cut the dictionary lots of words instead of adding to them. Syme is …show more content…

The leader of the cult recruited women by his charm. He stalks his chosen females and figures out a way to meet them. For example, "Aldrete was driving through Matamoros on July 30, 1987, when a shiny new Mercedes cut her off in traffic, narrowly avoiding a collision. The driver was apologetic, suave and handsome. He introduced himself as Adolfo Constanzo, a Cuban-American living in Mexico City. There was an instant chemistry between them, but Constanzo made no sexual overtures. He noted with pleasure that Aldrete's birthday was the same as his mother's. In fact, the meeting was no accident. Constanzo had been watching Gilberto Sosa, weighing his connections. The meeting with Sara Aldrete was carefully stage-managed, as was their burgeoning friendship and her gradual introduction into the occult” (Newton). He had done this many times and it was easy every single one of them. He made people feel safe when they were with him and he made them believe that the cult was protection from things all around them that posed any danger. Also, after Adolfo pledged himself to the devil, he thought he was obtaining supernatural powers. He claimed he could tell the future and help people with his new gift and in return allegiance to his cult. One example is, “Adolfo started offering his fortune telling and ritual cleansing services to

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