Urban Areas Case Study

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1. Describe the factors that influenced your decision to locate your urban area where you did. Remember to identify factors that influenced the location of you CDB.

I placed my urban area on the east opposite to the industries on the west because the winds blow west so when polluted air from the industries will blow opposite to the urban area and communities. My CBD is found right below the urban area, south of the city. My CBD includes the regional shopping mall of Brina City, the city hall, University of Brina, and the city’s concert hall.

2. Why did you locate your power plant where you did?

I located my cities power plant opposite of my communities, west of the city. The population that the power plant causes will blow west of the city away from the …show more content…

Describe where you located your institutional zones. Why did you locate them there?

The city hall can be found right in the center of the CDB (south of the city), North of the University of Brina. The hospital is placed north of the most pullulated community. West of the city can be found the police station and fire station. The police station and fire station is placed in the west community, east of the industries. This is because the industrial zone is known for having a lot of fires and robbery. The criminal rate in the area is very high.

7. Describe where you located your recreational zones. Why did you locate them there?

My recreational zones are placed north of the center community, right in the middle where it is accessible by all 3 communities. The ski park is on the east moraines. Recreational zones such as movie theaters and the concert hall are placed in the CBD. The yacht club can be found on the mini island south of city.

8. Describe where you located your parkland zones. Why did you locate them there?

My parkland zones can be found spread out through the 3 communities in the city. They are more so near educational zones such as primary schools, and communities/area’s with more kids in

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