5.2 Factors Of Awarenessness And Peer Group Case Study

1644 Words4 Pages Factors of Friends and Peer Group According to George Torkildsen (2015) the social class in term of friends and peer group is a part of factors in influences on leisure participation or factors in visiting. Based on study area at Bukit Keluang, almost the visitor come with the factors of social class. The factors of friends and peer groups is one reason to come at Bukit Keluang. Factors of Environment According to George Torkildsen (2015) said the recreational areas are of great assets for the cities and urbanities (Sreetheran, 2007) and they were created to preserve the natural environment (Ismail, 2002), as place for people to experience nature (Cohen et al., 2007), to release from stress and gain a positive psychological …show more content…

Recreation participation under taken outside the home involves some travels that is walking, cycling, bus, taxi, car, train or plane. The method of travel can affect the level of satisfaction, it can determine time, distance and destination. Based on study area the factors of access and location is the important to factor visiting because the location easy to found and this area near to the beach Bukit Keluang. Factors of Awareness and Leisure Participation According to George Torkildsen (2015) If people do not know that something exists, then obviously they will not togo visit it, unless they stumble upon it .People passing a leisure facility en route to work or the shops will be more likely to use that facility than a comparable one because that have become more aware of it. Based on study area the factors of awareness and leisure participation is important factors visiting because the mostly visitor come to Bukit Keluang for doing the hiking activity of course their awareness and care about their health. 2.6 Leisure …show more content…

(2009) stated that hikers can be categorised into three group researcher based on a review of literature review and discussion with hikers. Based on study area at Bukit Keluang the hikers can be dived to three categories, such as individual hikers, group hikers and volunteer group. An individual hikers is a hikers who personal hiking to top the Bukit Keluang. A group hikers is a hikers who hiking by grouping mostly from their friends hiking to top the Bukit Keluang .And the lastly volunteer group. The volunteer group at Bukit Keluang divided two group such as “Geng Supik Hitam” and “Team Perut Sejuk” as a group volunteer to responsibility to care the and cleanness along the track at Bukit Keluang

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