Upside Down In The Middle Of Nowhere Personal Quotes

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The main character in the book Upside Down in The Middle of Nowhere is Armani Curtis. The setting takes place in a small town of New Orleans. The book opens in late August 2005 around the same time of Hurricane Katrina. Armani can be described by three things, brave , fiercely loyal, and feeling guilty for surviving. Armani's’ story is one of hope, strength, love and survival. Throughout the book she will be tested with harsh realities and it will be up to Armani to help her family survive. Work on combining your sentences with more flow, instead of short choppy sentences. Look out for improper phrasing. Armani's bravery is shown throughout the book. During her incredible journey Armani is faced with problems she must overcome by being brave. After they were stranded on the roof of her house she courageously had to jump from the roof to the boat so she could be rescued. Another way she shows her braveness is by separating from her family as soon as they arrive at the Superdome. Her brother was in need of medical attention and her mother tells her to watch her sisters while she gets help. All alone with her younger sisters she makes the split decision to leave the Superdome which was a …show more content…

When Armani got on to the bus there was not enough seat for one of her sisters but she was persistent in making sure they would not break up. At the better shelter there was child protective services so she hide with her sisters so they wouldn't get caught. Throughout her time at the shelter she was like a mother to her sisters and did everything she could to keep them all together and protect them. She never thought it would be easier to survive on her own. Towards the end of the book she returns to her hometown to look for members of her family which is another example of her family

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