Unsafe Car Case Study

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An engineer pointing out unsafe car problems In this case study, Susan is a design engineer in a major auto company who receives two reports concerning engine fires and explosions that occurred in hot weather in the company’s popular economy car. When the engine of this model was approved for production, Susan advised the company that there could be a gas leak. She argued for a modification, but her proposal was turned down. Susan pressed for special testing under excessive heat conditions and urged the company to warn the public and immediately recall all of the cars of this model. However, such a recall probably will cost the company between $500,000 and $1 million, and Susan is told to mind her own business, or she will be fired. In the …show more content…

Even though she was told to drop the topic otherwise she will get fired, she should find an alternative solution to the problem. For instance, recalling the cars in locations with extreme hot weather conditions in which the cars are most likely to catch an engine fire. If the cars are working fine in other locations with a different type of weather, then there is no high risk of engine fires, hence there is no need to recall all the cars in these sectors. This should be a good solution which people should be okay with since they are not in extreme danger and they can have access to a cheap car to …show more content…

They will need to be ready to go to court and defend their position in case someone decides to sue them for negligence in recalling a defective product. Sooner or later somebody will realize about the design flaw and people will stop trusting them and their products generating huge loses to the company. With this said, the company should always be true to its customers and society in general. People acquire different products or services in order to be happier by covering their needs. People do not want to be in troubles with defective products that may put their lives at risk. People are willing to pay money for high quality products that will work safely, in this way the seller will achieve the goal of generating income and the customer needs will be

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