Unrestricted Divine Command Theory

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The unrestricted Divine Command Theory gives us the assumption that all things morally right and wrong, are established by God. He commands us to do morally right things, and strictly forbids us from committing sinful acts. We as human beings strive to abide by His set of rules simply because He told us to. Since we cannot possibly understand God’s will, we must trust the commands he gives us without question. Therefore, we must believe that God is good and His commands are nothing but pure and that they have our best intentions in mind. The Divine Command Theory is easy to accept if you are a firm believer in God and His teachings, but can be very questionable if you doubt the existence of a greater being that created the entire universe. …show more content…

To believe the first option, you most likely believe that God is the creator of heaven and earth; so you abide by what He commands because He decides what is right and what is wrong. If you choose to believe the second option, you still can believe that God created everything, but that he created it with the previous knowledge of the standards for what is right or wrong. If God were to create these standards without any previous knowledge of certain experiences or issues, then he actually came to these conclusions without any real reason. Then again, God is the divine creator, all knowing of everything; possibly he came to these conclusions because He already knew the outcomes of every …show more content…

Most people’s opinions will come down to how they were raised and if they were raised in a religious household or not. Therefore, morality and religion are related in many ways. In a household that believes in God, you are raised to not steal, kill, or lie. But if you are not raised in a religious household, it might be okay for you to steal, kill, or lie if it helps you and your family. No matter which option you choose to believe is correct when looking at the Divine Command Theory, questions arise with both and ultimately it just comes down to one’s personal opinion. If God is the creator of all living things, then he is also the creator of our thoughts, feelings, and even our moral obligations. Therefore, it is quite easy to believe that he created and set the standards for goodness with our best intentions in mind. So, when you decide that

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