Slave Morality Analysis

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In Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morals, he discusses morality and divides this concept into two parts: “master morality” and “slave morality.” To briefly summarize, master morality, which was usually followed by the nobility, or ruling class, emphasized individuality and being strong willed – essentially promoting the creation one’s own set of values. In contrast, slave morality stemmed from oppression by, and resentment towards, the ruling classes onto the lower. The idea of “herd mentality” may be related to “slave morality.” Slave morality and being a part of the “herd” promote the idea of conforming humanity into calculable human beings, which in turn serve to oppress the masses. In Western society and culture, religion and morality have often intertwined and they have reflected their values onto each other. Today it is sometimes impossible to make a distinction between the two, since their influence has transcended generations. In modern Western culture, religion and society preach conformity. In order to be a “good” person, one must conform to the values imposed by the church1 and state. For example, both institutionalized religion and society in the USA and many other countries tend to follow a patriarchal system, where men are viewed as leaders, and are generally given authoritative positions. This blatant sexism can be found within religion, as in Christianity the Bible states, “But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence” (2 Timothy 2.12). This passage explicitly states that women are not permitted to hold power over men, and this quote is part of a text belonging to a religion that 73%2(pew research forum) of Americans follow. Whether or not a person is Christia... ... middle of paper ... enter the “Lion stage” in which one must have the strength and power to affirm one’s own values. In conclusion, society imposes social norms to make humans calculable. Nietzsche states that this idea relates to the idea of rendering people predictable, which in turn allows them to make and keep promises. However, with this idea of humanity becoming predictable, a herd mentality is adopted. When someone is outside of this herd or doesn’t fit into the “social straitjacket,” they feel guilt for not conforming, and this guilt serves to “keep them in line.” Society falls into a routine of production, consumption, and then death, since this is what is presented as normal and good. This routine is oppressive and it internalizes man’s natural instincts, but that is the sacrifice that one has to make in order to be a part of what is now considered modern civilization.

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