Unrealistic Women

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In the 50’s the ideal woman was Marilyn Monroe, when girls wanted to look like Marilyn she was a size twelve. That was the normal back then, now the media portrays unrealistic women as the ideal woman. Girls don’t seem to realize that the only reason mass media show these types of girls is because they want to be able to sell their products, girls also don’t realize that all the pictures and people shown go through extensive hours of alterations to make them look like they do (Phelan and McKenna, 2010). The media is supposed to be used as a source of entertainment, to keep you updated about your favorite celebrities, but in the recent years it has turned around and has had a negative effect on females. The negative impact of the media on females and their body image could turn them to think that the …show more content…

The exposure to Asia’s westernizing media is starting to be connected to dissatisfaction in weight and looks among Chinese females (Chen and Jackson, 2011). Chinese women have always been seen as thin. Go back and look at pictures of them from the past you rarely see a bigger Chinese woman. In the today’s society women are all bigger due to all of the unhealthy choices everyone makes. The Asian culture like any other portrays a thin woman as the ideal woman. With the media from Asia flowing over to China it is becoming harmful to younger generations of Chinese girls because they believe that the tiny women are the only beautiful women. This is also occurring with their looks they believe that their eyes should not be slanted like they are and they want eyes like the westerners have which is a very unsafe procedure to go have to go through. Even though these girls think they are not pretty as they are, and they don’t need to do unsafe things to make themselves

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