United States: Power Lies In American Politics

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1. What type of government does the U.S. Have? How does this type of government work? Is it “working”? The U.S has democratic government and it is working by the people and for them. For example people have the right to vote and choose their representatives. 2. Discuss the four theories relating to where the power really lies in American Politics. The four theories of American political which where the power lies are; • Pluralism, which is rooted in the general theory of society developed by classical liberal theorists of the past three centuries. • State autonomy theory is a general theory of recent Western civilization says that the government in the United States is the most important power center. • Elite theory says that the leaders …show more content…

What is the classic definition of politics? “The activities, actions, and policies that are used to gain and hold power in a government or to influence a government.” https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/politics 4. What is meant by “institutions? “according to GOVT book the author states that Institutions is an ongoing organization that performs certain functions for society (pg. 3) 5. How does Rational-choice theory apply to politics? It offers logical making known of democratic citizenship and produces a political system which shows a constant biased against political variation and follow up the public benefits. 6. What is meant by the term “government”? What are the essential purposes of government? A government means the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities. www.dictionary.com/browse/government The essential purposes of government are protect the people from one another and from outside beside provide law and order. 7. How can we tell what the government’s priorities are? When we see the governments work together to reach better solutions and solve the society’s problems. Additionally, the government focus on what they can do to help people and make a

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