United Airlines Code Of Conduct Analysis

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LT1: Code of Ethics/Conduct Discussion As one of the world’s largest airline, United Airlines employs over 80,000 people and transports over 143 million people a year ("United Airlines newsroom," 2017). These staggering numbers equate to billions of interactions between the public and United Airlines employees and subsidiaries. It is understandable that a company with such a large public audience and employee base would have a code of ethics statement to help its employees so that they can make decisions that are in line with company expectations. The code of conduct for United Airlines starts out with a brief purpose that is not unlike many other large companies. The document is clear that the purpose is to help everyone covered by the document …show more content…

It appears a money loosing route was reinstated as a quid pro quo action. David Samson, then the chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, requested the route be reinstated so he would have easy access to his second home. United was then allowed to build a hanger in New Jersey. This action resulted in several million dollars in fines (Morgenson, 2017). The action by the United Airlines employee is in direct violation of the current version of the code of conduct. On page 14 the code says in part “... You may not give special consideration to government officials based on their political status” ("Code of ethics and business conduct," 2016, p. 14). Not all applications of the code are negative …show more content…

Since deicing is an environmentally sensitive procedure, we are subject to the environmental portion daily. During the deicing season we routinely spray several aircraft at the gate in the early morning. The application is limited to frost on the wings and vertical stabilizers. The airport allows this and even allows the fluid to drip on the ground as the gates have drains that lead to a glycol recycling facility. As part of United’s code of conduct, they have a statement that they will be “environmentally responsible” ("Code of ethics and business conduct," 2016, p. 20). With the possibility that the fluid could be tracked out of the drain area, we are required to clean the gate area as soon as the aircraft has cleared. This is not negotiable and United will call a contractor that is on field and bill my company if the cleaning is not completed in a timely manner. Locally, this part of the code is taken seriously. United Airlines has been around for many years and has perfected its code over its lifetime. It is difficult to find specific items that could be missing from a 66 page document as the company has experienced a lifetime of situations. One are that may be lacking is the list of policies. I have seen other Code of ethics that list the related policy in the margin. The entire policy does not necessarily need to be written, but the policy number would

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