Unique Personality Essay

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A Unique Personality As we are each a unique individualization of the infinite Life, a unique personality is required to fully express our potential. We might think of this aspect of personality as being like a suit of clothing. The suit does not make the man. The man makes the suit. But if the suit is ill-fitting, inappropriate, unflattering or distracting and thereby detracts from the inherent qualities of the man, then it becomes a costume or a uniform and says nothing about the man as an individual. Such a personality is worthless, or worse: it is costly. The personality that benefits you, costs you nothing. The personality that is not a good fit, will cost everything you waste upon it: your time, your life, your opportunity, your …show more content…

It pays in self-worth and self-acceptance. No one knows how much they really have until they are called upon to give of themselves. Upon taking stock of oneself, a generous person will realize a greater self-worth, which results in the added benefit of a greater self-acceptance. To get more, we must be worth more and accept more. Generosity pays in that the more we are able to give, the more able we are to receive. As Jesus said, the measure by which we give is the same measure by which we receive. If we give by the cupful, we are able to receive by the cupful. Remember what the Psalmist realized: my cup runneth over. The cup of our giving is the cup of our acceptance; and it is always over-flowing. There is always more to give, and more to be received, but the measuring cup determines how much we are able to give and receive. Even though there is more available, we can only give and receive as much as we think we are worth: our measure of our self-worth. Generosity is an exercise in realizing that there is more. It leads to the realization that you have more to give, and that there is more where that came from. Generosity is like a good investment: it is appreciated, and it appreciates in

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