Unethical Behavior Essay

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Unethical behavior is a behavior which is not morally correct. When one is encouraged to embrace unethical behavior and actions, they are "trapped." They are psychological in nature, and such traps distort perceptions of what is wrong and what is right. One actually ends up believing that his or her unethical behavior is right and ethical. If one is not aware of their behavior it is hard for them to tell if their behavior is actually acceptable and ethical. Just like in the Stanford Prison Experiment, the volunteer guards adopted to their new roles. Within hours of beginning the prison experiment, some of the guards began to abuse their power and harass prisoners in that experiment. The volunteer guards behaved in a sadistic and brutal manner.
"If a person of authority orders a subordinate to do something unethical, the compelling to obey authority serves as such a powerful external stimulus that the individual will likely obey the order without being aware of its opposition to his or her own ethical principles. At other times, the subordinate might be aware that the order i...

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