Underground Railroad Thesis

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One of the most disgraceful periods in history was the ninth teen century institution of slavery. Slavery was a very controversial issue back in the 1800’s. Most slaves who were brought to America were mostly known as lower end people who provided no service. But history fails to tell us that some slaves who came as different hopes and dreams. The Underground Railroad had a lot of runaway slaves who risked their lives to try and survive. There was so much violence happening to the slaves they were willing to flee in order to survive. And the Underground Railroad played a crucial part in the destruction of slavery. A term that was used to describe the Underground Railroad is an organization of people who helped slaves escape for their freedom. …show more content…

It was given that name because they used terms or codes taken from the language used on a real railroad. It was a way for African American to escape slavery in the south and make their way to the north. There were some flaws to this railroad it lacked an organization so they had to rely on conductors which was code for people on the opposite side helping them, from hiding them in their homes to giving those rides and food. But not all people got this chance. Most slaves were brought here against their will and were passed around from cellars, barns, to even storage sheds. But the ones that made it out got at least a fighting chance. The Underground Railroad had several different locations which covered many states. A huge part played in assisting the runaway slaves to freedom was the African American abolitionists. And since they have been through similar situations as the escapees they would do whatever they could to help …show more content…

She was an ex-slave herself and was born into a family of slave parents. She was born in Maryland, on the eastern shore. Harriet unfortunately grew up unable to read or write since slaves were not taught nor allowed to do so. So one day in 1849 Tubman made plans to escape. Her plan was to follow the stars and she only knew of a couple southern states in her path. Once she made it to Philadelphia she found work and saved money. When you escape your journey take a long time known can easily pan out how the trip will go. So runaways had to be smart they could not travel main roads because the hunters patrolled them. The railroad stretched for thousands of miles and took a long time to get there. They had to take the hard and forbidden routes like in the mountains and swamps. And while you are trying to escape your owner puts a reward on whoever can capture you. For Harriet her price was forty thousand dollars. But no one got her. She was a huge help in saving slaves lives and guiding them to freedom. I think that’s why she was worth so much. But she survived it all and made over twenty trips over the south and saved more than three hundred slaves escape. As time passed she worked as a cook, nurse, and spy for the civil war. Then later she settled down in New York until her death in

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