Second Great Awakening Dbq

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Sydney Anderson APUSH 6th Unit IV: 1825-1865 1. Second Great Awakening 1801 • The Second Great Awakening was a chain of religious revivals. The Awakening was based on the thought that salvation came from performing good deeds. These revivals were very popular among women, blacks, and Native Americans. 2. Tariff of Abominations 1828 • The Tariff of Abominations was a tariff passed that favored northern manufacturing more than southern agriculture. It raised taxes on wool, fur, and Liquor allowing northern manufactures to get more money for their products. This angered the south because the south then had to pay more for manufactured goods. 3. Underground Railroad 1830 • The Underground Railroad was a series of safe houses, meeting places, and passageways that were used to help …show more content…

Bleeding Kansas 1854-1861 • Bleeding Kansas was the term used to represent the Border Wars in which violent outbreaks took place inside of Kansas. The fighting started due to the Kansas-Nebraska Act that allowed the state of Kansas to decide for itself to be a slave state or a free state. Clashes between pro-slavery and anti-slavery supporters cause the violent outbreaks. 31. Sumner-Brooks Affair 1856 • The Sumner-Brooks Affair occurred while Charles Sumner was giving a speech to the Senate. Charles Sumner pin pointed Andrew Brooks for performing extreme abuse against the state of Kansas. Brooks, getting angry, then proceeded to hit Sumner with is cane. This severely injured Sumner. 32. Dred Scott v. Sandford 1857 • Dred Scott v. Sandford was a supreme court case in which Dred Scott, a slave, tried to sue for his freedom. Scott believed that because he had lived in a state where slavery was illegal he should be allowed freedom. The Supreme Court ruled against Scott saying that because he was from African ancestry he did not have U.S. citizenship and therefore could not bring the issue to court. The Supreme Court basically said that slaves were property. 33. Lecompton Constitution

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