Uncle Sam Propaganda

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Propaganda is defined as, “the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person” (Merriam). During World War II, a great sense of nationalism was building up among propagandists and they were trying anything to keep each nation’s populations united. “On December 7, 1941, 360 Japanese aircraft attacked the major U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, taking the Americans completely by surprise and claiming the lives of more than 2,300 troops”(History.com Staff). The strike forced U.S. to declare war on Japan, and later on U.S. played a significant role in WWII. The “ I Want You” poster of Uncle Sam was used to convince Americans to join the army during WWII. The goal …show more content…

In the poster, Uncle Sam wears a blue jacket, a white shirt, and a red bow tie. With the American colors of red, white, and blue, the clothes that Uncle Sam wears show that he is a very patriotic man. Generally, any American citizen would raise great patriotism by his appearance. The color also represents a symbol of unity, because it was time period that American people should stand together. As an old saying says “ Union is the strength.” Another visual point is Uncle Sam’s finger pointing at the viewers. This creates an even more personal connection due to one can instantly receive attention as long as he stands in front of the poster.Overall the poster illustrates a strong ethos. Upon the superb ethos, the poster of Uncle Sam also brings a sense of emotion to viewers. The large letters “ I Want You” stand out in viewers’ mind, causing them to contemplate the idea of recruitment. Especially, the smart strategy of using the word “ You”. It does not appoint anyone, but faces to all the individuals. Everyone is the right person. The logos, between the lines, the full expression of trust and craving, and make the viewers themselves realize their importance so that they feel obliged to contribute efforts to the war. The “I Want You” poster of Uncle Sam has been one of the most influential propagandas in the United States history. It fully engulfs the proper and exquisite use of ethos, pathos,

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