Types Of Health And Safety Management

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Introduction There are many types of health and safety management system. Health and Safety management is defined as a framework or system that help reduce occupational risks and it is a part of overall system of occupational health and safety management that facilitates risks in the workplace (BSI, 1999) Health and Safety management regulations enforced in 1999 named The Management of Health and Safety and Work Regulations. There are various steps to achieve effective Health and Safety management depends on the nature of organisations, whether it is a big, medium or small company, type of activities relating to the type of risks. According to HSG65 (2013), the keys of effective health and safety management are management and leadership, skilled or well-trained workforce and trusted/involved people in the working environment depends on how the organisation understands their profile of risks (HSG65, 2013). The type of management system approach model according to HSG65 (2013) is ‘Plan, Do, Check, Act’. These 4 are done in order to accomplish balance between management system and behavioural aspect. This is how Health and Safety management system model looks like: (Diagram: HSG65, 2013) ‘Plan’ involves determining policies, comply with legal requirements and planning the implementation of policies that are set. (ROSPA, 2013) ‘Do’ includes identifying profile of risks, organise activities (Health and Safety) to implement plan and implementation the plan that are being in ‘Plan’ aspect. Risk profiling is where risks and the causes are being identified and prioritising the biggest risk. (HSG65, 2012) ‘Check’ involves measuring of the risk assessment performance (monitoring and reviewing) and investigate the incidents and accident... ... middle of paper ... ...ently. Intervention group also shows that their hazardousness perception is lower than the control group (Institute for Work & Health, 2005) In conclusion, Occupational Health and Safety management has numerous benefits such as reduce accidents and injuries, improved working condition, compliance with legislation, better internal communication, increase competitiveness and quality, consistent and proven approach to managing OHS risks, improve the quality image of a company and reduce cost. But it is not easy to achieve an effective management system, particularly attitude of workers towards Health and Safety. There are also some weaknesses or gap that has to be identified in order to achieve successful OHSMS. Attitudes that had been influenced by management or organisational structure often become the reason of failure in a system (Yorio P.L and Wachter J.K, 2012).

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