Type 2 Diabetes Case Studies

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Based on the case study provided of JM, a 43-year old Hispanic female with type 2 diabetes, identified barriers include finances, time, culture expectations and values, and knowledge related to diabetes management. Having health insurance through her employer is a financial advantage for JM in her diabetes management. However, finances have led to decreased activity as evidenced by dropping her dance classes. Eating healthy food is widely perceived as more expensive. She is a busy woman committed to her family, church and work. Time to shop, read labels, prepare healthy meals and fit in physical activity will be limited by competing priorities. Aroian, Peters, Rudner, & Waser (2012) categorized culture expectations and values into six subcategories of: traditional foods as a marker of ethnicity, hospitality, and affection; valuing social interaction over solitary exercise; trying to be the ideal Hispanic; fatalism; not seeking health care; and for some Hispanics, being overweight as normative.
Problem List for JM The problem list for JM includes: ineffective management of therapeutic regimen; nutrition imbalance, and sedentary lifestyle. If assessment of her medication regimen indicates …show more content…

Regular physical activity will benefit JM in efforts for weight loss, improve glucose control and decrease risk for cardiovascular disease (ADA, 2017 & AACE, 2015). JM loves to dance. Salsa dancing originated in the Hispanic community and is a part of the culture. JM’s culture is important to her. She has noted that her children are at an increased risk for type 2 diabetes. Salsa dancing is a great option that includes the things that are important to JM, dancing, family, and culture. Zumba is similar to salsa and may be more accessible for JM and her children. She may research what is available in her community for salsa dancing, Zumba, or

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