Two Sides Of The Fence Analysis

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Both Sides of the Fence We live in America. A society that will turn the other cheek to football players who beat their children but let one kneel during the national anthem and his career is over. America; a place where the same people who support our troops in war will turn away in sight of a homeless veteran. America; the city on a hill full of diversity and as a result opposing viewpoints. Most recently, in sports news, a man by the name collin kapernick has decided to kneel during the national anthem saying “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,”.Some support the reason behind this bold statement others are quite bothered. While both viewpoints are standing …show more content…

“He’s a traitor.”(The Guardian), while others support his decision. At a autograph signing seccion one of the fans called out “You’re the voice for us,”. The decision to be against or support kapernick is obviously dependent on whaich side of the fence youre on. One who has never been exposed to racial oppression at any ppoint of their lives might not neccisarrily agree with kapernich while one who has will find his action inpirational. Eric reid one of kapernicks teamates expressed his opinion on the situation saying ““Things have happened in Louisiana and the injustices that are happening could have happened to one of my family members,” said Reid, who is from Baton Rouge, La. “It touched close to home and I just wanted to show my support to him and let him know that he is not the only person who feels the way that he feels. There are a lot of people out there that feel that way.” kapernick has brought alot of light to an industry far from worried abour social injustice. What was once just football has been exposed to a situation much bigger than that all thanks due to collin capernick who is using his fame for a greater cause to be the voice of the un heard and he is deffinelty being

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