Twitter's #HereWeAre Campaign: An Oscar Spotlight on Gender Equality

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This article went in detail about an advertisement by Twitter that was shown during the Oscars on March 4, 2018. The commercial was made to address the current issues of women's rights and gender equality. This is one of the first commercials that Twitter has ever shown during the Oscars and they used the campaign #HereWeAre. The goal of this commercial was to spread awareness to the lack of women being promoted in the tech-industry. Twitter wanted to show that there are many strong, intelligent, and important women that go unrecognized for their talents. Though this advertisement went over well, some people had negative remarks to make regarding the commercial. Many people believed it was too similar to the online campaign that Twitter released over the summer, known as #SheInspiresMe. This campaign featured many iconic women and promoted female leadership in predominantly male businesses. Whereas, the Oscar version promoted many women in the film …show more content…

One of the main reasons this article stood out to me was because of the backlash that Twitter received from many people on their platform. Many people felt like this topic should have been addressed much sooner. It's intriguing to me that many of the users blame Twitter solely for the content on their website. Honestly, I don't know if Twitter should remove offensive content or keep it online since freedom of speech is a constitutional right. Overall though, I feel like the advertisement was received very well. I believe it had a very positive message and showed that major online super powers, like Twitter, care about their users. Many of us use social media without thinking of the impacts it has on our society. I am glad to see Twitter stepping up and supporting women's rights as a whole. Overall, I feel like this article showed me how impactful social media can truly be on society. I found it interesting since I don't have a Twitter account and do not experience Twitter trends first-hand (Graham,

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