Tulsa Greaser Research Paper

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Today in the Tulsa Telecast we will learn about the local gangs in Tulsa, The two main gangs in Tulsa Greaser which are like a big family and poor and Socs who like on the westside who are which are rivals gangs. The gangs have their own teritory and will only really have a fight if a gang member is alone. The Greasers one of the gangs in the community are more than just a group of friends. They're more like a family. In fact, two of the group's members, Darry and Sodapop, are actually Ponyboy's older brothers. Darry, the oldest of Ponyboy's brothers, is also his legal guardian since his parents have recently died in a car accident. Ponyboy's other friends include Steve, Two-Bit, Johnny, and Dallas. Together, this group makes up the gang known as the Greasers.The gang's signature hairstyle is long and slicked back, with lots of grease. They commit petty crimes like stealing, fighting, drinking, and smoking cigarettes.The Greasers are looked at by the people of their community as wild because of their appearance and their poor living conditions. …show more content…

On the outside, the Socs appear to be good kids. They have lots of money, they dress well, and they drive nice cars. Underneath their goody two-shoe exterior, the Socs are really bullies who actively cruise the streets of the Greasers' neighborhoods, looking for opportunities to attack. Like the Greasers, the Socs are often fighting and drinking alcohol. The Socs believe in playing it cool to the point of showing not showing feelings at all. Some of the Socs are Randy, Robert, Cherry, and

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